Club Ride Update March 1st
With many of the ‘A’ riders in Mallorca on a training camp, club members have been asking if the Sunday ride will be taking place. The Answer is YES, the ‘B’ Ride will definitely be taking place with an optional extra loop over ‘The Lenches’ for any ‘A’ riders who come along.
With the ‘A’ riders away this is an excellent opportunity to invite new riders along who are apprehensive about riding within a group of experienced riders. Whilst our philosophy is to encourage and support all new riders, we understand it can be a bit daunting on the first ride so this is an ideal time to give it a try.
Our Rider of the Year – Jackie Fowler – will be leading out the ‘B’ ride at a nice steady pace, the only thing that will stop her, or you, will be bad weather – Normal Start time 9:30 at Finstall Village Hall.